Want to volunteer at a Showmasters event?
One of the most important ingredients of any Showmasters event is our volunteers. We are always on the lookout for new crew, and where experience with any type of event or convention is a useful bonus, the most important quality we’re looking for is enthusiasm!
We now have two types of volunteers: CREW and HELPERS.
CREW: For those wishing to crew a full day or the weekend (either two full days or a day and a half). In return you will get partial reimbursement of expenses and, dependent upon shifts, help with hotel costs.
HELPERS: This is for those wishing to help out just half a day. In return you get free entry, a £5 prop photo and access to up to three virtual queues without the need of a virtual queue ticket. This is ideal if you only have time to help out for half a day, or you’d like to experience what volunteering for Showmasters is like before volunteering for full crew.
Helper application deadline will not be until 10 days before the event, so you can if you wish apply to be a helper if you haven’t been chosen to be full crew.
There are many jobs you could be asked to do including,
- Virtual Queue Ticketing (handing out the virtual numbers and letting people into queues)
- Autographs Sales Staff (handling sales of autographs, photo shoots, talk ticket and credit card vouchers to public)
- Organiser’s Booth Staff (dealing with public enquiries and sales)
- General Runner (guest food/drink orders and other miscellaneous tasks)
- Guest Assistant (sitting with guests, dealing with the public, taking photos for fans etc)
- Front Door Staff (selling entry tickets, helping the public enter and leave the event).
We don’t generally give people a specific job to do until the day and over the weekend you could end up doing a bit of everything.
We expect Volunteers to do just that, volunteer, so please have no expectations, just be ready to muck in. Like many other jobs, there may be hours of boredom interspaced with frenetic activity, or more likely hours of frenetic activity with a few seconds of boredom; either way is tough.
It’s hard work but many of our volunteers return year after year and become good friends.
Once we have received your initial request to crew you’ll be kept on the crew database, and before each event we send out an email to all volunteers asking if they are available to help at that particular show. Please read the email carefully and respond to the survey by the deadline date.
Please note: All volunteers must be 16 years of age or over.
CREW APPLICATIONS: When you’ve done the survey, and the crew application deadline has passed, we then go through the days available and work out the crew rota. You will then receive another email once this is done letting you know if you have been chosen or not. Don’t be disheartened if you haven’t been selected, it could be for a number of reasons; generally because we have had loads of applications, or we don’t have the days/spaces to suit what you can do at that particular show. There’s always next time, and the helper applications are still open until a week before the show!
HELPER APPLICATIONS: When you’ve done the survey, within about 10 days you will receive an email confirming which helper shifts you’ve been selected for.
If you’re interested in volunteering as a crew member or a helper, we’d love to hear from you. Please email crew@showmastersevents.com